Player prompts

There may be times when playing Gyan Chaupar that you are unsure of the meaning of a concept, or need some direction of how to think about it. We’ve therefore created these online prompt cards for all 84 squares of the game as well as the games start and end point, Unity.

The prompts below are for you to use how you wish. Simply click into the relevant prompt to reveal a short definition followed by six prompt questions. Either pick one question at random from the six provided, or use the number from your dice roll to decide which of the six questions to use as a prompt.

0. Unity

Unity is the state of oneness, absence of separation and the creative void of possibilities from which all is created and from which all returns.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you feel separated from?
  2. Have you ever felt a sense of oneness?
  3. What might be possible when all is still?
  4. Is chaos to be feared?
  5. What is stopping you feeling at one with others?
  6. How could you bring more unity into the world?
1. Birth

Birth is the emergence of something new into existence, separating from that which it came, to begin a new journey in this world.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Where did it all begin?
  2. What are you currently birthing?
  3. Have you been here before?
  4. Have previous beginnings changed you?
  5. What must die to enable the new birth?
  6. How do new beginnings make you feel?
2. Trust

Trust is the willingness to believe in the truth and integrity of oneself or others and to open up to the vulnerability of living with that belief.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you truly trust yourself?
  2. Who do you put your trust in?
  3. Who puts their trust in you?
  4. What stops you from trusting?
  5. Does trust make you feel secure or insecure?
  6. Do you tend to trust too much or too little?
3. Earth

The Earth is our shared home and the nurturing mother from which physical life was born. Earth is also the first of the classical elements, representing the stable foundation of life.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. How did you come into being?
  2. Do you feel connected to the Earth?
  3. Do you take good care of our shared home?
  4. How do you show gratitude to the Earth?
  5. Do you have a stable foundation in life?
  6. To what extent are you a material being?
4. Joy

Joy is more than simply a feeling of pleasure or happiness, but an energy that rises from within to celebrate the present moment and put wind in our wings.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you allow yourself to feel joy?
  2. When did you last feel joy?
  3. How would life feel if you embraced joy?
  4. How could you find more joy?
  5. How do you react to the joy of others?
  6. Do you take joy seriously?
5. Growth

Growth is not just the increasing of size, but is an evolution or expansion toward an increasing state of physical, emotional and spiritual wholeness.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. How do you typically define growth?
  2. What growth are you hungry to pursue?
  3. What growth are you resisting?
  4. How have you grown from a younger you?
  5. What is limiting your personal growth?
  6. Are you open to the next phase of growth?
6. Curiosity

Curiosity is the urge to expand one’s knowledge and understanding – to get closer to the truth. To be curious is to be open to challenge your current reality.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What are you curious about?
  2. Do you encourage curiosity?
  3. What holds you back from asking questions?
  4. Did curiosity really kill the cat?
  5. What would you like to explore further?
  6. What doesn’t make sense to you?
7. Identity

Identity is the unique set of characteristics that describe someone or something in a way that differentiates them from others. Identity separates through definition.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. How much of your identity is based on things external to you?
  2. Does your identity represent you or do you represent your identity?
  3. Has your identity changed over time?
  4. Do you see yourself differently from how others see you?
  5. Is your identity holding you back from changing?
  6. Do you present yourself authentically in all situations?
8. Respect

Respect is the recognition of the right to exist, to be treated with kindness and to be valued for one’s unique qualities. To be respected is to be treated well.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. To what extent do you respect yourself?
  2. What are your conditions for respecting others?
  3. Who or what do you not respect?
  4. Who makes you feel respected?
  5. How do you feel when others disrespect you?
  6. When have you disrespected others?
9. Intuition

Intuition is the ability to hear the innate wisdom of the subconscious, to tune in the invisible signals around us and sense the essence of truth.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you feel you are an intuitive person?
  2. When did you last listen to your intuition?
  3. Where in your body do you feel your intuition?
  4. Has your intuition served you well?
  5. What clouds your intuition?
  6. Do you take your intuition for granted?
10. Polarity

The law of polarity reminds us that everything in existence has an opposite that holds it in balance. Within polarity is where we find the essence of balance and unity.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Can you contemplate why some are for the things you are against?
  2. Can you sit in the space between apparent contradictions?
  3. Where do you find polarities within your own nature?
  4. Can you find light amid the darkness?
  5. Can you accept others’ differences?
  6. Are you always open to explore both sides of an argument?
11. Temperance

Temperance is the ability to tame one’s thoughts, feelings and actions through the practice of self-control and the leadership of a clear mind.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. When do you wish you had exercised more restraint?
  2. Do you ever restrain yourself too much?
  3. When do you tend to regret your behaviour?
  4. Of the voices in your head, which is dominant?
  5. How do you strengthen your self-control?
  6. How do you cultivate your clarity of mind?
12. Creativity

Creativity is our ability to birth new ideas into the world, formed from patterns we see in the world around us and insights that drop from the aether.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a creative person?
  2. What does it mean to be a creative person?
  3. Does inspiration ever strike you out of nowhere?
  4. When do you have your best ideas?
  5. How do those around you affect your creative expression?
  6. Do you welcome new ideas?
13. Lust

Lust is an intense desire to satisfy one’s more basic animal urges, often without respect for the best interests of ourselves or others.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you find yourself lusting for?
  2. Are you able to temper your urges?
  3. Has your lust ever hurt others?
  4. Does the satisfaction of your lust make you happy?
  5. Do your desires feel like your true self?
  6. What is the root cause of your desires?
14. Minerals

Minerals are the dense foundation of our physical world and the unsung heroes of life on Earth, providing us with stability, beauty and wonder.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What can you learn from the qualities of minerals?
  2. Is a humble stone worthy of respect?
  3. What would life be without minerals?
  4. If rocks could talk, what might they say about you?
  5. Have you ever fallen in love with a stone?
  6. How have crystals influenced your life?
15. Fear

Fear is one of our most primal emotions. It is the anticipation of danger to our physical, mental or spiritual wellbeing. It protects us from danger but unchecked can also drive negative actions and experiences.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you ever feel free from fear?
  2. What are you most afraid of?
  3. How would your life change if you were fearless?
  4. Do you project your fears onto others?
  5. Where do your fears come from?
  6. How could you reduce your exposure to fearful influences?
16. Vanity

Vanity is the excessive focus on external appearances and how one is perceived by others, to the detriment of one’s inner being.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you put too much or too little focus on your appearance?
  2. Do you worry about what others think of you?
  3. What are you hiding beneath the surface?
  4. How many people have seen the real you?
  5. What could you do to nurture your inner beauty?
  6. What motivates the way you present yourself?
17. Water

Water is essential to the existence of physical life and an enigma that takes many forms. It is pure and yet gladly carries impurities, gentle yet powerful, clear and yet reflective.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you see when you look into your reflection?
  2. What would it mean to be like water?
  3. Do you flow with the river of life or swim against the current?
  4. Where do you feel the need for purification?
  5. Do you have enough clarity?
  6. Is it time to change phase?
18. Drama

Drama is the amplification of negative experiences in life and the entanglement of others as characters in the negative performance of life.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you find yourself entangled in dramas?
  2. When do you create drama?
  3. Do you tend to see yourself as a victim, persecutor or rescuer?
  4. Do you ever add fuel to the fire?
  5. How could you quieten the drama in your life?
  6. Who entangles you in their dramas?
19. Guilt

Guilt is the state of having wronged in the past and the emotional burden that we carry to remind us of the suffering that we have caused.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What are you guilty of?
  2. Can you forgive others for their guilt?
  3. What guilt have you carried for two long?
  4. Are you the same person who committed the wrongdoing in the past?
  5. When will you forgive yourself?
  6. Who does it serve to continue punishing yourself?
20. Plants

Plants are living beings rooted into the Earth and taking energy from the sun. They are the milk of Mother Earth, providing nourishment to all of the animal kingdom.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you ever felt a connection with a plant?
  2. How do you show gratitude to the plants?
  3. What plant do you admire and why?
  4. If plants could talk, what might they say about you?
  5. Do you have a special memory involving a plant?
  6. What have plants ever done for you? And what could you do for them?
21. Responsibility

Responsibility is to take ownership of a situation and lead it toward a positive destination without blame or deflection to others.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you feel responsible for your own life?
  2. When do you tend to blame others?
  3. What are you not prepared to take responsibility for?
  4. What leads you to act irresponsibly?
  5. Which responsibilities have you neglected?
  6. Do you feel a burden of responsibility?
22. Vitality

Vitality is the energetic life force that drives growth, action and inspiration within ourselves and in all aspects of the natural world.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Does your vital energy feel strong?
  2. Do you contribute vitality to the world around you?
  3. What boosts your vitality?
  4. What drains your vitality?
  5. Where do you see vitality around you?
  6. What are you doing to strengthen your vitality?
23. Dharma

Dharma is our duty as human beings to follow the correct path of living in accordance with the true nature of reality.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Where do you have a sense of duty in your life?
  2. Do you have a clear sense of what is right?
  3. How do you calibrate your inner compass?
  4. Where do you feel you have strayed from the correct path?
  5. What influences your path in life?
  6. In what circumstances do you feel most true to the right path?
24. Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the first of the seven energy centres of the body. Resonating with the mantra ‘LAM’, it represents the basic needs in life of safety and security.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you feel when you focus your attention on your Root Chakra?
  2. How can you provide safety and security for others?
  3. What threatens your security?
  4. Was there a time when you felt truly safe?
  5. How could you cultivate a greater sense of security within yourself?
  6. How does your behaviour change when you feel insecure?
25. Karma

Karma is the relationship between our mental or physical actions and the consequences of those actions, in the universal web of cause and effect.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. How are your past actions impacting your current life?
  2. Do you need to cultivate more positive thoughts?
  3. Will your future self thank you for your current actions?
  4. Who are you serving in your life?
  5. Do you think ahead before acting?
  6. How often do you act in line with your own moral compass?
26. Divinity

To be divine is to be born from the magic of the universe and embody the spark of creation. As human beings we possess the divine ability not just to exist, but to create.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you ever feel more than a material being?
  2. How do you honour your own divine being?
  3. When did you last feel the magic of life within you?
  4. How do you channel your own creative energy?
  5. Do you allow yourself to experience the mystical aspects of life?
  6. Do you ever feel connected to something bigger than yourself?
27. Confidence

Confidence is the feeling that a person or entity can be relied upon. Self-confidence is belief in your own ability to manifest positive outcomes. 

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a confident person?
  2. Do you have confidence in those you rely on in life?
  3. What makes you feel diffident?
  4. What hampers your confidence?
  5. Do you ever have too much confidence?
  6. What would it be like to feel truly confident in yourself?
28. Moon

The Moon is our mysterious companion in the cosmos, guiding the cycles of our planet and our bodies. It represents the divine feminine and illuminates the darkness.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you feel when you look at the moon?
  2. Do you feel in tune with the phases of the moon?
  3. Have you ever noticed anything strange about the moon?
  4. What does the divine feminine mean to you?
  5. How do you find light amid the darkness?
  6. Do you feel affected by the Moon?
29. Health

Health is not merely the absence of disease. True health is a state of complete wellness, harmony and vitality in all facets of a living being.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. How do you cultivate your own health?
  2. What aspects of health are you struggling with?
  3. Do you feel empowered to be healthy?
  4. Is your health purely physical in nature?
  5. How do you impact the health of other beings?
  6. Who do you trust most when it comes to your health?
30. Abundance

Abundance is to experience freedom from scarcity of those things that you need in life. To be abundant is to have exactly what you need and more.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you feel you have enough?
  2. What would true abundance look like to you?
  3. Do you carry a fear of scarcity?
  4. How do you share your abundance?
  5. Is abundance just about material needs?
  6. What exactly do you need?
31. Fire

Fire is the heat of creation, destruction, transformation and purification. Burning the matter of our physical world and symbolically within ourselves, it must be wielded with care.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you feel a fire burning inside of you?
  2. Where do you need to direct the energy of your inner fire?
  3. What dampens your fire?
  4. Do you see fire as destructive or creative?
  5. Have you ever let things burn out of control?
  6. What is in need of purification?
32. Gluttony

Gluttony is over-indulgence and excess to the extent that what feels desirable and pleasurable is in fact to our own detriment. Typically associated with food and drink, we can be gluttons for many things.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you eat to live or live to eat?
  2. Do you ever not know when to stop?
  3. How much is too much, and how much is not enough?
  4. What are you a glutton for?
  5. What is so alluring about your favourite indulgences?
  6. What story do you tell yourself about your over indulgence?
33. Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen and. resonates with the mantra ‘VAM’. It is the seat of our emotions and the centre of our creativity and sexuality.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you feel when you focus your attention on your Sacral Chakra?
  2. Does your Sacral Chakra feel alive?
  3. Are you able to sexually express yourself?
  4. Are you creatively fulfilled?
  5. Do you feel blocked by fears?
  6. Is your Sacral Chakra ever too powerful?
34. Integrity

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, but at its core it is a state of being whole and undivided.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you live in line with your own morals?
  2. Do you change your views to please others around you?
  3. Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say that you are living your truth?
  4. Do you ever feel conflicted?
  5. Have you faced a situation that tested your integrity?
  6. Do you feel whole?
35. Truth

Truth is the objective expression of reality, free of opinion, bias or deception. It can often be hard to see the truth, but it always is what it is.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you need to know the truth?
  2. Does the truth ever scare you?
  3. Do you ever hide the truth?
  4. Why does truth matter to you?
  5. Are you in denial of anything?
  6. Can you ever know the truth?
36. Rhythm

Rhythm teaches us that nothing in life is ever constant. Everything moves in cycles, flowing in and out, up and down, forward and backward. The further the swing one way, the further the swing back.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you feel a sense of rhythm in your life?
  2. Can you embrace the lows to reach the highs?
  3. Do the swings of life unsettle you?
  4. How does change make you feel?
  5. How could you rise above the waves?
  6. Do you rock the boat or steady the ship?
37. Sloth

Sloth is an inclination to be lazy and lack motivation to take action. Usually associated with physical activity, it can also be applied to the mental and spiritual aspects of life.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you take action to do the things you want to do?
  2. Do you avoid things that need doing?
  3. Do you ever lack intrinsic motivation?
  4. What makes you feel inspired to take action?
  5. How do you feel when you overcome your internal resistance?
  6. Could your laziness be a false economy?
38. Sun

The Sun is our closest star, bringing warmth and light to nurture life here on Earth amid the vast darkness of space. A force of creation, it represents illumination and the divine masculine.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. How does it feel when the sun touches your skin?
  2. Are you tuning in to the wisdom of the cosmos?
  3. Do you need to take action in your life?
  4. Is your light stronger than your darkness?
  5. How can you bring warmth and light to the world?
  6. Do you feel affected by the cycles of the Sun?
39. Authenticity

Authenticity is the quality of being real and true, both within oneself and in how we present ourselves to others. It is the ultimate form of transparency.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Are you living an authentic life?
  2. Do your loved ones know the real you?
  3. Where do you feel the need to filter yourself?
  4. Are you comfortable with your true self?
  5. What masks do you wear?
  6. Does authenticity make you feel vulnerable?
40. Grief

Grief is the emotional journey of processing loss in our lives. A deep trial for the soul, grief is a current that pulls us through the tunnel of darkness toward our own healing.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Are you currently grieving?
  2. Do you have the support you need?
  3. Do you allow yourself to grieve?
  4. Have you been able to heal from past loss?
  5. What are you afraid of losing?
  6. How can you support others through their loss?
41. Dreams

Dreams are the intangible partner to our material reality, representing our hopes for the future and the source of our manifestation. The dreamspace is the realm of the imagination where deeper truths of life play out.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you dream of?
  2. Have any of your dreams come true?
  3. Do you pay attention to your dreams?
  4. Are you ever afraid of dreaming?
  5. What might your dreams be trying to teach you?
  6. What action will you take to make your dreams a reality?
42. Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the upper abdomen above the navel. It resonates with the mantra ‘RAM’ and represents your inner power, strength and vitality.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you feel when you focus your attention on your Solar Plexus Chakra?
  2. Do you have good willpower?
  3. Do you need to take action in your life?
  4. Are you in control of your destiny?
  5. Are you motivated to move forward?
  6. Do you feel strong and energised?
43. Diligence

Combining care, focus and determination, diligence is the application of devoted physical or mental effort toward achieving a goal. 

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Where have you demonstrated diligence?
  2. Do you give enough care and focus to the things that matter?
  3. Do you give up on things too easily?
  4. How did you achieve the things you are most proud of?
  5. How do you keep yourself on track?
  6. Is it possible that you could ever be too diligent?
44. Envy

Envy is the feeling of resentment toward those who we believe possess things that we desire. At its worst it can manifest as a desire for the misfortune of those who we envy. 

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you recently experienced envy?
  2. Is there anyone that you currently feel resentment toward?
  3. Have you ever wished for the misfortune of another?
  4. Do you really want the things that you envy?
  5. How does envy affect your relationships with others?
  6. How would you feel if you obtained all the things that you envy?
45. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand how other people feel and see the world from their perspective, free of one’s own prejudices. At its core, true empathy is the understanding that we are all one. 

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Who do you struggle to understand?
  2. Do you feel other people’s emotions?
  3. Does your empathy for some shadow your empathy for others?
  4. How do you balance empathy for others with care for yourself?
  5. Have you ever had a feeling of true connectedness?
  6. How important is it for you to be right?
46. Wrath

Wrath is the expression of uncontrolled anger without regard for its consequences. At its worst, the force of wrath is directed at others with the aim of hurting them.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you ever have outbursts of wrath?
  2. What could be the root cause of your anger?
  3. How does it feel to experience the wrath of others?
  4. Where do you feel anger rising in your body?
  5. Have you ever hurt someone in rage?
  6. Do you tend to bottle up anger?
47. Humility

Humility is an attitude of modesty rooted in an ability to see the bigger picture. Often mistaken for being a low sense of self-worth, it is in fact a more balanced love for the self in the context of the whole.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a humble person?
  2. How do you feel when you contemplate the scale of the universe?
  3. Do you ever struggle with low self-worth?
  4. Do you ever inflate your own sense of importance?
  5. Does being humble make you feel vulnerable?
  6. Are you ever too humble?
48. Animals

Animals are our fellow companions with whom we share the Earth. They all play valuable roles in the tapestry of life and have wisdom to share.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you ever felt a connection with a non-human being?
  2. What have you learned from animals in your life?
  3. What qualities of animals do you see in yourself?
  4. Are you in tune with your own animal body?
  5. Do you relate to some creatures very differently from others?
  6. How do you show love and respect for animals?
49. Maya

Maya is a concept representing the illusion of ourselves and the world around us. Having passed through the veil into this life, we must find our way back to the truth.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you ever felt that the world doesn’t make sense?
  2. Is there more to life than our physical reality?
  3. Do you ever feel like you’ve been here before?
  4. Is there meaning to this life?
  5. What do you believe happens after we die?
  6. How do you react to mysterious experiences?
50. Equanimity

Equanimity is the ability to remain calm and composed, not just when the world is peaceful and predictable, but when it is challenging and chaotic.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Are you able to stay centred in difficult situations?
  2. Are there any triggers that throw you off balance?
  3. Does your inner world tend to mirror the world around you?
  4. Do you have any techniques for staying calm in challenging situations?
  5. How did you behave when faced with a recent challenge?
  6. Have you ever surprised yourself in how you handled a difficult situation?
51. Gratitude

Gratitude is the appreciation of the good things that you have been blessed with in life, and the expression of thanks to those who have blessed you.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What are feeling grateful for?
  2. How do you express gratitude?
  3. Where in your body do you feel gratitude?
  4. What have you been blessed with?
  5. Do you take time to appreciate the good things in your life?
  6. Do you feel that others show their gratitude to you?
52. Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the centre of the seven chakras, bringing them together in harmony. Located in the heart, it resonates with the mantra ‘YAM’ and represents unconditional love and connection with all of creation.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you feel in your heart?
  2. Have you ever felt unconditional love?
  3. Are your mental and physical aspects in balance?
  4. What makes your heart sing?
  5. What do you feel disconnected from?
  6. Can you imagine universal love?
53. Love

Love is the feeling of care, compassion and connection toward a living being. While often expressed through romance, true unconditional love has no limits.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you experienced true love?
  2. Are you able to love yourself?
  3. When have you felt the love of others?
  4. Does your love have limits?
  5. Whose love do you crave?
  6. What does unconditional love really mean?
54. Generosity

Generosity is the spirit of willingly giving or sharing what you have in life with others, often beyond the expectations of those who receive it.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you benefited from the generosity of others?
  2. Who do you admire for their generosity?
  3. Is generosity purely financial?
  4. Has the universe been generous to you?
  5. Do you ever struggle to be generous?
  6. Where do you express generosity?
55. Deception

Deception is the act of knowingly providing false information to create an obscured or distorted view of the truth to yourself or others.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Where are you deceiving yourself?
  2. Is some deception justified?
  3. Are there truths that you are afraid to reveal?
  4. Have you been hurt by deception?
  5. Is deception ever justified?
  6. How can you be more honest?
56. Compassion

Compassion is sensitivity toward the suffering of others and a desire to help minimise and alleviate suffering.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Where have you displayed compassion?
  2. Is compassion something that you think about consciously?
  3. Do others show compassion toward you?
  4. Is your compassion selective?
  5. Do you ever cause unnecessary suffering?
  6. Are you compassionate toward yourself?
57. Attachment

Attachment is an emotional tether between a person and the people or things in their life. It can provide a safe foundation in life but can also become unbalanced or limiting.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What are you most attached to in life?
  2. Is there something that you’re struggling to let go of?
  3. Do you feel held back by someone else’s attachment?
  4. What attachment do you need to strengthen?
  5. What do you compromise to maintain your attachments?
  6. Do you have the safe foundation that you need?
58. Wabi Sabi

Wabi Sabi is a philosophy of accepting and appreciating the imperfect and transient nature of existence, finding beauty in nature’s cycles of growth and decay.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you strive for perfection?
  2. To what extent do you embrace change?
  3. Have you ever witnessed beauty in decay?
  4. Are you able to enjoy what is?
  5. Do you have an all or nothing mindset?
  6. Can you embrace the cycles of nature?
59. Shame

Shame is the internal suffering of self-judgement that we experience when we believe we have done something wrong.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Where do you feel a sense of shame?
  2. Who do you most need forgiveness from?
  3. Are you too hard on yourself?
  4. Is your self-judgement holding you back from moving forward?
  5. Is it helpful to punish yourself?
  6. What would it take to let it go?
60. Greed

Greed is an insatiable desire for personal gain, often for material wealth, social status and power. Greed leads us to crave more than we need even to the detriment of others.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you ever feel greedy?
  2. Will your desires ever be satisfied?
  3. What is the root cause of your greed?
  4. How do you feel when you witness greed in others?
  5. How much is enough?
  6. What do you crave most intensely?
61. Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is located in the pit of the throat. Resonating with the mantra ‘HAM’, it is associated with truth and authentic self-expression.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Are you able to express yourself fully?
  2. Do you ever regret not speaking your truth?
  3. Do people know who you really are?
  4. What outlets do you have for personal expression?
  5. What do you feel when you focus on your throat chakra?
  6. Are others able to express themselves around you?
62. Air

Air is the invisible essence that gives us life and connects us. Light yet immensely powerful, its importance in the cycle of life should never be underestimated.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you pay attention to your breath?
  2. Have you taken the air for granted?
  3. Where is the wind blowing you?
  4. Does your breath ever make you feel more alive?
  5. How could you harness the power of your breath?
  6. How does the air connect us?
63. Fractals

Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves at different scales. Understanding that as above, so below, helps us to make sense of the complexity of life.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Where do you see the patterns repeating in nature?
  2. What are you currently struggling to make sense of? Where might the same pattern appear?
  3. Does a pattern keep repeating in your life?
  4. Does your life mirror society, or vice versa?
  5. Have you ever noticed strange patterns in life?
  6. How do you make sense of complexity?
64. Power

Power is the ability to direct or influence the course of events and shape reality according to one’s will. It is neither good nor evil, but can be dangerously seductive.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Where do you have power in your life?
  2. Do you feel that others have power over you?
  3. Is power an inherently bad thing?
  4. Can you harness benevolent power?
  5. Have you ever been seduced by power?
  6. Do you ever feel powerless?
65. Courage

Courage is the act of pursuing progress in the face of one’s fears against taking the necessary action.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What stops you from taking action in your life?
  2. What is the risk of inaction?
  3. What would a more courageous version of you do?
  4. Do you overestimate risks?
  5. Who needs you to be courageous?
  6. Have you ever regretted not being more courageous?
66. Synchronicity

Synchronicities are experiences that appear to be mysteriously connected and defy conventional explanations.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you ever notice strange coincidences?
  2. How do you explain unexplainable events?
  3. Has a coincidence ever changed the course of your life?
  4. Do you acknowledge or dismiss synchronicities?
  5. What might happen if you tune in more?
  6. Is the universe trying to tell you something?
67. Arrogance

Arrogance is an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance and capabilities, often communicated in a way that is abrasive and dismissive of others.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you ever been accused of being arrogant?
  2. Do you like to be right?
  3. Do you ever push your views on others?
  4. Do you need to listen more?
  5. Are you afraid of being wrong?
  6. How are you affected by the arrogance of others?
68. Aether

Aether is the classical fifth element and the all pervasive medium in which all information and matter exists. It is associated with spirituality and symbolises the connection between the Earth and the heavens.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you ever pulled an idea from the aether?
  2. Have you ever experienced non-physical phenomena?
  3. Is there more to the universe than what we can perceive?
  4. Is space really empty?
  5. Do you have any spiritual beliefs?
  6. How much of life is unseen?
69. Meditation

Meditation is a contemplative practice of stilling the body and mind. It can reduce stress, improve well being and provide deep insights and spiritual experiences.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What is your initial thought when you hear the word meditation?
  2. Do you have a regular meditation practice?
  3. Do you find meditation difficult?
  4. What stops you from meditating?
  5. Have you had any interesting experiences during meditation?
  6. How has meditation impacted your life?
70. Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is located in the forehead directly in front of the pineal gland, known as the seat of the soul. Resonating with the mantra ‘OM’, it is associated with intuition, psychic abilities and spiritual insights.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Are you familiar with the location of your pineal gland?
  2. Do you ever touch your third eye when seeking insights?
  3. Have you ever felt your third eye activating?
  4. Do you ever experience psychic or spiritual insights?
  5. What do you feel when you hear the sound of OM?
  6. Have you ever tried to develop yourself beyond your five senses?
71. Darkness

Darkness is the absence of light or the shadow cast by the light, often associated with wickedness or evil.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you tend to focus on the light or the darkness?
  2. Are you brave enough to face your own shadows?
  3. If there was no darkness, how would we perceive the light?
  4. Is darkness absolute or is it relative?
  5. What darkness is currently affecting you?
  6. Have you succeeded in overcoming any darkness?
72. Patience

Patience is the ability to accept delay or suffering without succumbing to negative emotions and behaviours.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Is there anything that you are trying to hurry?
  2. Do you feel a need to control the pace at which things move?
  3. Do you struggle to be still?
  4. How does the patience of others affect you?
  5. How do you balance the long term with the short term?
  6. Do you feel the world is moving too fast or too slow?
73. Manifestation

Manifestation is the act of bringing something from the realm of mind into the realm of the physical. All human creation is an act of manifestation.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What have you manifested in your life?
  2. What are you trying to manifest now?
  3. Are you the creator of your reality?
  4. Are you the driver or the passenger in your life?
  5. Has anything manifested that surprised you?
  6. Do you channel your creative power into action?
74. Funghi

Weaving a web of interconnection between species and with the ability to nourish, awaken, decompose and kill, fungi wield a quiet, mysterious power over life on earth.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Have you ever contemplated the significance of fungi?
  2. Are you afraid of mushrooms?
  3. Do you incorporate mushrooms into your life?
  4. How does the word fungus make you feel?
  5. What have mushrooms got to teach us about life?
  6. What would happen if the mushrooms disappeared?
75. Peace

Peace is a state of freedom from stress, fear, anxiety and distraction in which everything feels in harmony.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you crave peace?
  2. Where do you find peace?
  3. Do you ever create conflict?
  4. Is peace always passive?
  5. What are you at war with?
  6. Do you seek peace around you or within you?
76. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an intentional decision to let go of negative feelings toward those who have hurt us, and free both parties from the suffering of the past.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What are you struggling to forgive?
  2. Do you forgive too easily?
  3. Who suffers when you can’t forgive?
  4. Does forgiveness mean agreement?
  5. Is anything unforgivable?
  6. What do you need in order to forgive?
77. Temptation

Temptation is the desire to do things that you know to be wrong, in which a dark force within you appears to fight against the light.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What’s tempting you?
  2. How does temptation manifest for you?
  3. What is the greatest temptation for humanity?
  4. Are you able to resist your temptations?
  5. What are your temptations trying to tell you?
  6. What happens when you give in to your temptations?
78. Angels

Angels are virtuous beings that bring light, wisdom and healing into our lives, whether that be in the physical or spiritual realm.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Are there any angels in your life?
  2. What would it mean to be an angel in someone else’s life?
  3. How do you feel when you think about angels?
  4. What is an angel to you?
  5. How can you bring more light into the world?
  6. What would it mean to be your own angel?
79. Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is located on the top of the head and represented by the lotus flower. Resonating with the mantra ‘AH’, it is associated with connection to the divine and universal consciousness.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. What do you feel when you focus on your crown chakra?
  2. Do you ever scratch your head when looking for insights?
  3. Have you ever felt an awakening of your crown chakra?
  4. Have you ever experienced connection to a greater consciousness?
  5. What do you feel when you hear the sound of AH?
  6. Is consciousness entirely inside the brain?
80. Demons

Demons are beings with a supernatural ability to influence reality and even our own sense of being. Widely considered to be malevolent, they are feared for their invisible power.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Are there any demons in your life?
  2. How do you protect yourself against malevolent forces?
  3. What do you see when you think about demons?
  4. What does it mean to be demonic?
  5. Do you ever wield a dark energy?
  6. Is there such a thing as a good demon?
81. Alchemy

Alchemy is a seemingly magical process of transformation in which something entirely new and different is able to emerge from origins in which it did not previously appear to exist.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. How can you be the alchemist in your own life?
  2. What ingredients do you need to make some magic happen?
  3. Where have you seen alchemy in nature?
  4. What do you want to transform?
  5. When do you work your magic?
  6. What is life without transformation?
82. Raison d’etre

Raison d’etre is one’s primary reason to exist or core purpose in life that serves as a guiding light and source of motivation.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you have a clear sense of purpose?
  2. Have you ever wondered why you’re here?
  3. Is there a purpose to life?
  4. From what do you draw your motivation?
  5. Do you have a guiding light that you follow?
  6. Do you ever feel lost?
83. Ego

The ego represents our sense of self. It is the “I” that mediates between the subconscious mind and the world we inhabit, consciously driving our behaviour and framing our perception of our own identity.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you have a clear sense of self?
  2. Do you ever feel unclear about the boundary between yourself and others?
  3. Have you ever experienced a loss of ego?
  4. Does your ego ever cause you problems?
  5. Are you more than your ego?
  6. Who are you really?
84. Enlightenment

The highest spiritual state of earthly existence, to achieve enlightenment is to attain awareness of the true nature of reality and who you really are.

Contemplate these questions:

  1. Do you seek the truth?
  2. Have you ever seen through the veil of reality?
  3. Can enlightenment be reached in this lifetime?
  4. How much do you really know?
  5. Has an experience ever changed your understanding of life?
  6. Are you afraid of knowing more?

These prompts are still in development so if you would like to send us feedback or ideas for improvement, please email us at